
Read more about us!

In our blogs we write about our experiences and those of our customers.

Revenue Management for Hostels (beds and rooms feature)

Hostels operate in a dynamic market where demand for beds and rooms can differ significantly. That’s why we are proud to introduce our latest feature: dynamic pricing for beds and rooms with RevControl RMS for Hostels.

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LET'S MEET: our newest member Maurits!

We want you to meet Maurits van Vijfeijken, our newest intern at RevControl. His internship assignment focuses on our Sales department.

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Dynamic pricing for parking spaces

We are proud to introduce our latest feature in collaboration with the PMS MEWS: dynamic pricing for parking spaces. Just as room demand fluctuates, so does the demand for parking spaces. So why let this opportunity go to waste?

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RevControl University

RevControl is not only a comprehensive revenue management software provider; we are also dedicated to sharing knowledge about revenue management. We do this, for example, through customer success calls and masterclasses.

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